Are you overpaying on corporate FX trades?

Reduce FX costs by up to 65% and get your FX strategy under control

Instantly reveal your bank’s margin on corporate FX trades. See what similar companies are being charged. And always get access to FX liquidity on fair terms. Discover a new way to track, manage and control your company’s FX exposure, risk and costs — with Just Technologies’ easy-to-use FX analytics software.
Trusted by CFOs, treasurers
 & board members at over 100 global companies

Unfair price discrimination is common in corporate FX deals

A typical company using FX Analytics achieves 8-15x return on investment (ROI).
Just Technologies
Wells Fargo caught defrauding 771 corporate FX customers by US gov.
Companies that don’t benchmark pay 100-150% more than companies that do.
Just Technologies

A straightforward way to
control FX costs and exposure

Balance the scales with your bank on international trades
Simply enter your trade details and your provider’s quote. Get instant margin analysis based on real-time interbank data — whether on the phone with your bank or trading online. Start making more informed decisions with your FX trading today.
Explore FX Benchmark
Reveal hidden FX costs & transform your trade costs analysis
See all the factors that impact your FX margins. Find out what margins are considered good for your currency pairs and tenors. Compare margins across several banks or your subsidiaries. Plus, use data to negotiate better margins and show your company you have FX costs under control.
Explore FX Analytics
Stop manually tracking your exposure with error-prone spreadsheets
Make integrating your existing business or cash flow projections easier. FX Hedgecheck will continually track your exposure against your trade positions and risk targets. Be more informed when making critical FX decisions.
Explore FX Hedge Check
Ensure you have liquidity in the right currencies at the right time
Get a big picture view of your company’s cash flow and bank balances. Understand the liquidity needs of each business unit as well as the entire company. Spot opportunities for intracompany transfers and other strategic FX opportunities.
Explore FX Treasury
"We were very impressed with Just. We were able to cut our FX costs by over 30%, and we continue to use it to monitor our trades because we know if we don’t, our costs will increase again."
Boe Spurré, CEO Sirena
"When we started to use the FX tools, we were expecting some savings, but not the scale of the savings we’ve actually secured."
"FX Analytics helped us align FX margins to fair, transparent levels, resulting in substantial savings. We now monitor margins on a running basis to stay in control of FX costs"
"Every time we trade we benchmark the rates offered. We follow the development over time per bank."
"Just has informed me of a problem I initially didn't know existed."
"Some of our subsidiaries paid higher rates than the others even though they used the same bank."
"Our costs were very high. We discovered that we weren't getting the rates we had agreed"

Bringing transparency, control &
insights to FX exposed companies

See the margins that banks are charging you with instant margin analysis
Use data to reduce the FX margins charged by your bank
Track FX Exposure and stay aligned with risk targets and policy
View liquidity across your entire company and business units

Who Just are for

Cut your FX costs, and greatly reduce exposure and risk across your business or group of companies.
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Private Equity
Identify cross-portfolio FX opportunities. Leverage combined portfolio flow to lower costs for your companies. Empower your company treasurers to be best-in-class.
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Start putting what you save in FX costs to good use. Plus, show donors you have FX governance under control.
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Cut your FX costs, and greatly reduce exposure and risk across your business or group of companies.
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Private Equity
Identify cross-portfolio FX opportunities. Leverage combined portfolio flow to lower costs for your companies. Upskill your company treasurers.
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Start putting what you save in FX costs to good use. Plus, show donors you have FX governance under control.
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Case study

Ulefos drops FX costs with Just

Ulefos (a Norwegian manufacturing company)
 used Just FX Analytics to quickly reveal:
  • The historical margins the bank had charged them
  • They were overpaying on FX margins
  • Other providers were offering better margins for similar trades
“When we started to use the FX tools, we were expecting some
savings, but not the scale of the savings we’ve actually secured.

Using Just’s tools and working with Just shows how important
it is to gain control over your FX trading operation — and how
straightforward it is to secure cost controls and savings.”
See case study

Putting an end to “unfair” price discrimination

In 2017, serial Fintech entrepreneur—Anders Nicolai Bakke—teamed up with some friends (ex-JPMorgan Chase).

The group set out to tackle discriminatory pricing, which is rife in corporate FX trading.

After months of speaking with treasury teams from around the world and analyzing countless traded FX contracts, the group were left shocked.

They knew banks were charging high markups on FX deals — but the prevalence and degree with which banks were taking advantage of corporates was (and still is) startling.

In response, the team developed “FX Analytics” (Just’s flagship product) to level the playing field.
Our full story
Since then
Just has helped corporates benchmark over USD 155+ Billion in trades, leading to millions in savings
Serving over 100 corporates worldwide

Reduce your FX costs, exposure and risk
 with one powerful FX analytics platform

Plus, get negotiation support from our experts. We help global companies significantly reduce their FX margins. Achieve this and more all while maintaining a positive relationship with your bank.

Find out whether you’re a victim of “unfair” bank pricing today.
A Graph Showing FX Trades Before And After Using Just
Find out how to lower your FX costs.
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